Friday, August 31, 2012

Day Seventeen

noon = protein bar = 250 cals

   workout  --> second "half" of delMonte C workout.

2pm = pure protein bar = 190 cals
Raisin Almond Cashew Mix = 5.5  x 120 = 660 cals

Day sixteen

9 am = zuccini / black beans = 250 cals

noon =  &mock fish , rice, black beans, zucc = 600 cals

2pm = 2 bars =  500 cals

dinner = toast and polenta / black beans = 400 cals

daily total = 1750 cals

notes : noticing a lot of intenstal bloating.  I think the mock fish  and the shellfish in the joint supplement may have been the culprit ?  need to look into this further.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day Fifteen

During spring yesterday, was thinking that "wimpy workouts" are the key to getting back into training. Less is more.  No shame when its really your first day back in the gym doing less than your mind wants.

11:00 am = protein bars x 2 = 320x2 = 640 cals

2:00pm = beans and zuccini = 350 cals

6:00 pm = dinner at middle eastern rest =  600 cals

daily total = 1590 cals

Day fourteen

8:00 am = cream of wheat  = 250 cals

11: 30 am = two bowls of wild rice, black beans, and summer squash = 650 cals

       2:50 pm -->  workout --> wind sprints , ball field , 4 reps --> 2:09

4:00 pm = same as 11:30 am meal = 350 cals
4:30 pm = 5 cookies ( bad) = 200 cals

6:00 pm = rice, %seitan , broccoli = 500 cals

( was ravenous hungry at 6 pm )

daily total = 1950 cals

the key to eating more calories = working out  ! creating the demand. it's simple. I could have eaten more

Monday, August 27, 2012

Day thirteen

Wow . So it has been almost a month since last post, had to come off the program when we went on our family retreat in the woods because I did not have access to a lot of food, especially not the foods on my "good" list.  I didn't want to work out and then eat more because it would have mean eating a lot of bread and granola and other things that were available but not what my body needs to build.

So I'm back. I've done some light running and interval training since then but no real gym workouts. 

9am = 4 slices of Rudis bread = 320 cals
scrambled tofu = 120 cals 
almond milk mixed with calcium = 80 cals

noon = 2 whole squashes, cashews in sauce = 250 cals

2pm before workout = 1 protein bar = 150 cals 

4:30 pm = bowl of fruit... kiwi, mango, strawberry = 200 cals

7:00 pm = grilled cheese on gluten free bread with soup = 350 cals

daily total  = 1470 cals

Did half of Del Monte's "C" workout on the warmup workouts
felt great at end of the day.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day twelve

noon = Royals = 400 calories

6pm = rice and tofu = 500 calories

8 pm = cheerios = 300 calories

total = 1200 calories

mouth is bother me big time,

Day eleven

August 1, 2010

morning = airplane = 1 bag of nuts and 1 bar = 400 calories

3pm = Royals jamaican food =   800 calories

8 pm = honey nut cheerios = 300 calories

1500 calories total