Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day Eight

9:00 am  = Rudis bread x 4 , ( 2 with cashew butter)  = 350 cal

noon =  garbanzos, potatoes, small amt of pumpkin seeds ground up = 300 cal
             handful of grapes =   50 cal
             pure protein bar = 180 cal

7:30 pm = 1  cup cooked brown rice with 1 halibut steak = 230 + 150 cal

8 pm =  protein plus bar = 180 cal

Daily total = 1440 cal

Today was out all day running errands , hence a big gap between noon and 7 pm. I could feel it. At 3 pm I was hungry, which for me was a good sign that my metabolism is speeding up .

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