Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day Six

Nothing but water in morning. Feel very stiff , neck feels a little stiff.

11 am :   coconut milk stew with tofu and squash / zucchini =  500 cal

after which , headache, and neck still stiff. I think I had too much saturated fat within a 24 hour period.

1 pm :  2 Lara bars =  260 cal

5-6 pm workout :  UPSIDE DOWN TRAINING C

6:45pm :   Protein shake, banana, rice protein  = 200 cal
7 pm :       Potatoes, greens, garbanzoes, ground up pumpkin seeds  = 450 cal


Daily total : 1410 cal

I'm surprised that my daily total was even that high because it felt like I didn't eat much all day. Today was a rough day.

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